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Virtual Wyck

Welcome to the Virtual Wyck Page! Here you will find everything you need to teach about Wyck and prepare for your Live Google Meet/ ZOOM Session. Below you will find the workbook page numbers to assign, the VR Museum Tour, mini video lessons, and additional resources that you can download the files/ copy the links and include them on your Google Classroom Page. 

Workbook 2017 Edition

Wyck Pages 89-100

Workbook 2020 Edition

Wyck Pages 87-98


Organizational Charts 

Students can use an organizational chart to help them take notes while reading the workbook section and watching the VR Tour. Students can refer to their notes during the Live Session with the Educator or while completing their post-visit Reporter Assignments.

KWL Chart- Students will write what they already know and what they want to know about Wyck and Family History before reading the workbook section. Then, they can write what they learned during or after reading the workbook.

Notes, Key Points & Summary Chart - Students can use this chart to take notes while reading the workbook or watching the VR Tour. After they take notes, they can pull out main points from their notes and summarize what they learned in a few sentences. (Standards 4th Grade: CC.1.2.4.A; CC1.4.4.W.   5th Grade: CC.1.2.5.A; CC.1.4.4.W.)

Remaining Questions- Encourage students to write 1 or 2 questions that they still have after reading the workbook and watching the VR tour. Teachers can email their students' remaining questions to the Program Director  after their Live Session, if the Educator does not have time to answer all questions.

Wyck VR Tour

Make sure students watch the museum tour prior to your scheduled live meeting with History Hunters Educators.

How to view: This video was recorded with a 360-degree camera. Click and drag the video around to look all over the room!

Assignment options: If time allows, you can assign the entire video (23:05). Here is a suggestion on how to assign the video in segments:

English Tour

Spanish Tour

Intro and Conservatory: 0:00- 7:35

Front and Back Parlors: 7:35- 15:49

Dining Room and the Farm: 15:49- 23:05

 Activities/ Lesson Plans

Historic Overlay of Wyck's Front Parlor - Click and drag the arrows back and forth to compare what Wyck's Front Parlor looked like in 1905 to what it looks like in 2022. What has remained the same? What has changed? Why?

A Malignant Tale (Yellow Fever, 1793 Epidemic) Lesson Plan - Learn how Caspar Wistar Haines and his family experienced the yellow fever epidemic in 1793 by taking part in the 'Malignant Tale' interactive lesson at home or in the classroom from the American Philosophical Society. Includes primary source documents from the Wyck Association Collection. 

Heirloom Recipe Interview- An heirloom is a special object passed from the older generation to the younger generation which helps us to remember our family history. Heirlooms can come in all shapes and sizes: jewelry, photographs, clothing, furniture. Special family recipes can also be passed down to the next generation and can tell us a lot about our family’s culture and history. Instructions: Interview a family member about a recipe that is special to your family. Then, present what you learned about your heirloom recipe to your classmates. Alternate Instructions: Have students interview each other about their family recipes.

Yellow Fever 1793: Learning from the Past Lesson Plan- this lesson plan from Healthy News Network helps students delve into the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia during 1793. It is designed for students in fifth grade and up. But it can be adapted for younger students. The lesson plan includes ideas for activities, including an illustration, a book review, and a short essay

Understanding My Family's History Lesson Plan-  From Teaching Tolerance: After exposure to relevant literature in class, students will research their family history by interviewing their parents. They will use this information along with visual props to tell their story to classmates. Enduring Understanding:  Understanding your family history and background helps you better understand your heritage, customs, and family values. It also helps you understand the role of your culture’s roots in shaping American culture.


Rueben Haines III's Collections-  4 minute video- Take a peek inside the curiosity cabinet of Reuben Haines III from the early nineteenth century.

Wyck's Rose Garden in Bloom- Explore Wyck's rose garden with this 360 degree image. Click and drag the image to look in all directions and click on the white icons to view the garden from different places.

A Peak at Wyck's Garden Plan (1821)-  2 minutes video- Join Director of Interpretation and Public Outreach at Wyck, Tess Frydman, for a look into the garden design of the oldest rose garden still growing in the United States! 

Wyck Rose Garden Introductory Tour- 13 minute video- Lauren Kope manager of Living Collections Chair, provides a tour of the garden in bloom with an overview of the history or Wyck and the garden.

PBS News Hour: George Washington's Last Moments- 5 minute video -  A series of historical documents sheds light on the final moments of George Washington, whose cause of death has been a mystery for hundreds of years. Comparing 18th-century medicine to modern day- Warm Up and Critical Thinking Questions included on the webpage. 

Disorder (1820-1854) - Philadelphia: The Great Experiment- 29 minute video - Philadelphia's population is decimated by an outbreak of yellow fever in 1793. As the city's physicians and civic leaders are fight back, they define our modern conception of public health, and establish some of the city's fundamental institutions that still operate today.  Teacher/Student materials connected to the video available here.

History Hunters Video Series: "What the Heck is This?"

Get an up-close look at some objects in Wyck. Can you decide how they were used?

Wyck #1 - Learn how to make tea based on Hannah Marshall Haines' recipe. Can you decide what this tea was meant to cure? Find out in this special History Hunters cooking video!

Wyck #2 - Take a look at this measuring device. What was it used for? Find out in this video!

Wyck #3 - Take a look at some of Reuben Haines' scientific objects. Can you decide what this object is? Find out in this video.

Wyck #4 - Learn about 18th century medicine. What was this medical object used for? Find out in this video.

Wyck #5 - Are these 2 chairs really identical? What's so special about this chair? Find out in this video.

Wyck #6 - Take a look at some of the outbuildings on Wyck's farm. How did this building help preserve food? Find out in this video.

Wyck #7- Take a look at the Wyck farm. What was this wall used for? Find out in this video.

Reporter Assignments 

There are 7 different types of newspaper features listed below for your student reporters. You may choose to assign several students to each type of feature, or have students work in groups to complete the 7 assignments. Read over the assignments carefully with students before your virtual tour, so that they understand their own particular "fact-finding" mission. They will use the notes from their virtual visit to complete their newspaper writing assignment as a post-visit activity. These assignments are available in the workbook or below as Google Docs.

1. Travel writer's account 

2. News Story

3. Interview

4. Illustration

5. Editorial

6. Comics

7. Poem

Additional Assessments 

Wyck Vocab Quiz- Google Doc, Answer Sheet, and Google Form

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